National Dog Day!

Happy National Dog Day!

Did you know that the beagle has existed for hundreds of years and in fact is one of the most familiar breeds in the world? Our new dental assistant would like everyone to meet Bentley, his 6-year-old Beagle.

As it is known, the history of Beagles is centered around hunting, especially when it comes to rabbits. if that’s the case, then Bentley must definitely be a Beagle because he loves to chase rabbits on walks and at the lake. In fact, he lets out a unique bark when he smells something he would love to chase or when he wants to tell us something.

Bentley has always been an adventurous dog. He enjoys going fishing, taking long walks, and running next to me while we rollerblade along the Red River of the North.

The best part of having Bentley is coming home to someone who is happy and excited to see me. He has always been such a great friend. What are your favorite memories with your dog(s)? We’d love to hear them.

We look forward to seeing you on your next visit!