A Dentist’s Guide to Halloween

Putting on costumes and filling a bucket with candy is on most people’s minds as we near Halloween! Many people assume the dentist’s office would recommend avoiding the experience entirely, but here at Amundson Dental Associates, we have a sweet tooth from time to time too!  Here are a few tips for Halloween (and for the rest of the year) that will help you enjoy some sweets without worries about cavities:

1) Don’t deprive kids of the normal trick-or-treating experience.  Deprivation usually leads to children wanting candy even more!  They may end up sneaking sweets or eating more than usual.  Let them pick the treats they want the most, and then enjoy them for dessert after dinner.  Sugar eaten with an otherwise healthy meal tends to have less detrimental effects on the formation of tooth decay.

2) It’s not just candy that causes dental problems!  Remember those other items that are thought of as “healthy” may have more sugar than you think.  Fruit juice, fruit snacks, certain crackers, etc., can all have excess sugar that increases the likelihood of tooth decay.

3) Ensure your family is brushing twice daily with fluoride toothpaste.  Brushing is the best way to remove bacteria from our mouths that cause gum disease and tooth decay.  Fluoride toothpaste makes our teeth harder and more resistant to acidity caused by sugary foods and the bacteria that cause tooth decay.

Autumn is about making memories and spooky costumes.  And while the season’s festivities will soon end, keeping your teeth happy and healthy never does.  Is it time for your checkup?  Call Amundson Dental Associates to reserve your appointment today at (701) 772-0171.