It’s National Ice Cream Month! This delightful celebration is the perfect excuse to indulge in some of your favorite frozen treats. When it comes to classic flavors, our top picks are vanilla, cake batter, and cookie dough. And of course, we can’t forget to add toppings! We love to add brownie and cookie dough chunks, fresh raspberries and strawberries, caramel, or chocolate chips.
For those who are lactose intolerant or prefer dairy-free options, one of our favorite options is the So-delicious dairy-free bars. They are delicious!
After you've enjoyed your ice cream, it's important to take care of your dental health. You should wait before brushing your teeth. This allows your saliva to bring down the acidity in your mouth, which can help protect your enamel from damage.
If you're looking for less sugary, more dental-friendly alternatives to cool down, try drinking water or eating watermelon. These options are refreshing and help keep your teeth and body in good health. To beat the heat in other ways, consider staying in the shade, going swimming, or using a fan. These activities can help you stay cool and comfortable without the extra sugar.
Don’t forget to enjoy National Ice Cream Month responsibly and schedule your next appointment with us! Call Amundson Dental Associates at (701) 772-0171