During the holiday season, it can be tough to resist the tempting array of sweets, but there are definitely some tooth-friendly treats that can satisfy your sweet tooth without putting your oral health at risk. A few tooth-friendly options would include cheese, dark chocolate, nuts, and crunchy fruits like apples and pears. These snacks help clean teeth, stimulate saliva, and provide essential nutrients like calcium. On the other hand, sticky candies, hard candies, sugary sodas, and pies with sugary or sticky fillings can harm your teeth by promoting decay and causing plaque buildup. It's best to enjoy these sugary treats in moderation and balance them with healthier options to protect your smile.
By choosing healthier alternatives and limiting sugary, sticky treats can help you enjoy the holiday season without sacrificing your oral health.
Is it time for your dental visit? The holidays are a great time to get ready for the new year. Call Amundson Dental Associates today to schedule your next visit. (701) 772-0171