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Road Trip!

September 27th, 2023

The bags are packed, the trunk is loaded, the route is programmed into your GPS, the playlist is set, and your destination awaits! Sometimes there’s just nothing more appealing than a road trip. So, to make your trip even more enjoyable, here are some dental tips to help keep you feeling clean and fresh over…
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Dental-Healthy Snacks for Your School-Aged Child

September 27th, 2023

Kids are constantly active and constantly growing. No wonder they’re constantly hungry! When it’s time for a snack, here are some tips to make between meal treats timely, tasty, and tooth-friendly. Keep snacks to a minimum Every time we eat, we’re also providing food for the bacteria in our mouths. Bacteria use sugars to produce…
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Fluoride Treatment: Do You Need One?

September 20th, 2023

Over the past decade, most people have been ingesting less and less fluoride. This is not such a great trend, since fluoride has a history of successfully reducing tooth decay and promoting good dental health. Most of us drink bottled water now, so many children and adults are not getting the optimum amount of fluoride…
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Easing Your Allergies with Latex-Free Dentistry

September 20th, 2023

Imagine this scenario: you go to the dentist to have a cavity filled, and an hour after the procedure you have a runny nose, scratchy throat, and your arms are breaking out in blotchy, red hives. In other words, you’re in worse shape after the visit to the dentist than you were before you walked…
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